To get the most out of your beauty on a memorable day like a wedding, look for services as a professional artist of wedding make up Berkshire and carry out home travels in Berkshire. Here is the outline of services for wedding makeup.
- Makeup test: This is the phase in which they will choose the style of your makeup, analysing your type of complexion and the shape of your face, as well as your personal tastes. They will make a personalised makeup sheet.
- Pre Wedding Makeup: Full makeup session for the photo session prior to the big day.
- Make-up for the bride: The day of your wedding, the makeup artist will move to your home in advance, before the arrival of the photographer. They will use high cosmetic products, which stand out for their good finish and durability.
- Make-up for the attendees: Similarly, family and friends can benefit from a special makeup budget for the day of the wedding.
- Post Wedding Makeup: Oriented to possible photo sessions after the wedding day..